Alternate Universe, Ascension, Extraterrestrials, Government, Health, Love, Peace, Personal Growth, Philosophy, Poetry, Reality, Revolution

How to Reach the 4Th Dimension

Reaching The Lower 4Th Dimension:

This World you see, the one you touch, hear, smell, taste, is only a fraction of what is there. All around you there are atoms, as well as waves, consistently passing through you every microsecond of every day, keeping your molecular structure intact, all while transmitting your thoughts and feelings into the world around you, subtly affecting and altering your reality in ways you couldn’t begin to imagine.

There are supposedly 11 dimensions to ‘reality’, when I say Reality, I am referring to all that exists (In form of Energy as well as Material). Each Dimension more complex than the last. We live in the 3rd dimension. Our reality consists of 3 axis points, X,Y, and Z, it is the most physical of all Dimensions, the most dense if you will, the heaviest. Many New Agers actually argue that the 3rd Dimension is ‘technically’ the 1st, as it is where Matter and energy begin to interact and follow basic Universal laws that spawn the Universe you see today.

The 4th Dimension is the Dimension between the Physical, and the Dimension of Light, the 5th Dimension; Where Light is said to be housed. Lets not get ahead of ourselves however. Let me explain the 4th Dimension as best I can, with the limited knowledge I have. The 4th Dimension is possibly the closest we can get to the Dimension of Light, before Death; The Dimension of Time, Where Matter and Energy are One. It is like nothing you will ever experience once you’ve been there, and something you will want to experience as much as you can. This is why im here, to teach you to see, and feel, the Light that acts as a portal to connect us to Consciousness.

The first step to getting there, is to acknowledge the existence of 2 major factors: Our 7 Harmonic Points, and the existence of Love and Fear as a frequency more than simply Emotions. You also need to understand basic Quantum Mechanics. I hope by now you know that an atom is 99% empty space, on that note, a physical world should be impossible, but it isn’t, how come? Electrical signals (Energy) interact with our 3rd Dimensional vessels (body) and these electrical pulses get deciphered by our neurological system and distinguish what is what. Therefore, Solids are Solids, and Liquids are liquids, as they should be, since that is how they are existing. Needless to say, our neurological system is decoding everything properly.

To make this matter simpler (no pun intended), imagine the scene in the Matrix when the main character sees the World as it is, simple binary codes. That is exactly what our Reality is, except not actual binary numbers, but something along those lines. We never come in contact with anything, there is always a minimum of 2-3 atoms of space to everything we come in ‘contact’ with. With this said, it is safe to assume, that regardless of the fact that we live in a seemingly Physical World, it is Energy that truly influences everything around us.

What does this have to do with the 2 important factors mentioned above? Everything. Our Harmonic points are what help us ‘communicate’ with the 4th Dimension, day in and day out, right now, it is in tune, and it always will be, because as im sure you’ve heard, We are not Human beings that will have a spiritual experience at Death, we are Spiritual (Energy) beings having a Human experience. The only thing that differs from individual to individual is how stable and ‘in-tune’ these harmonic points are, or aren’t. The difference is simple: The 3rd Dimension, as all Dimensions, vibrate at a certain Resonance, if the object within the Dimension begins to resonate at a lower frequency than the world around it, it begins to decay, and eventually ceases to exist.

Through living in Fear, we lower our resonance, therefore making us more prone to eliminators such as ill health, depression etc. not to mention, attracting more negative events. The Mind has an insatiable need to be right, and does so through manifesting your consistent negative or positive thought processes. The mind does not decipher what is ‘good’ or ‘bad’ for you, it is your genie in a lamp, if you consistently think it, it will come true, not always exactly as we imagined it, but along the lines. If you look back in your life and have an honest retrospection, you will see that the synchronicity of your circumstances and occurrences are usually in tune with how you thought and felt, at the moment. Thoughts create potential outcomes, Emotion manifests them. How so? In a Universe of equivalent exchange, there is always a balance, whether the balance is in or against your favor is up to you. In this world, Like attracts like. Energy waves are attracted to energy in its own frequency, such as you are attracted to people that have similar beliefs and lifestyle as you do. Its no different when it comes to Energy.

The Human being only has 2 Emotions; Fear and Love. Any other emotion felt after that is only a different embodiment of either of these 2 Prime emotions. Fear in Humans, as shown through studies in Cymatics, has a long and slow frequency output. Whereas, Love has a very short and rapid signal.

Fear:  I            I            I            I            I            I


Love: I     I     I     I     I     I     I     I     I     I     I     I

What does this mean for us? Well, Love, has been linked with Positivity (of course), therefore, any Positive thoughts you have, are derived and powered by the frequency of Love. They are powerful, and cannot be stopped by the frequency of Fear, as a matter of fact, Fear is repelled by love, even though in this World we are programmed that the opposite is true. Physics shows us that it isn’t.

Now, in a World where Like attracts Like, it seems there is no conspiracy on why and how the Richer get Richer and Poor get Poorer. However I speak in terms of spirituality, not financially, although I admit, it does play a role. Lets not get into that. When an individual is consumed by Fear (recurring thought processes), their Harmonic points adapt to the Emotions and thoughts of the individual. Before you know it, they are influencing and molding the World around them, all the while being unconscious of this fact.

Tell me, when you are in a state of Fear, whether it is Depression, Anger, Sadness, Jealousy etc, How do you feel after the emotion seems to have passed? Drained, tired, and perhaps with relapses of the emotion. It seems that it becomes easier and easier to fall into that emotional state doesn’t it? Well, because it is. You have molded your harmonic points to accept such low frequencies with ease. The only reason our harmonic points are able to reach such low level of frequency is to allow ourselves to learn and rise above negativity, fix the issue, and bounce back to an even higher frequency than before.

We are not meant to stay at low level for extended periods of time, nor are we to be falling into these levels at such a consistent rate, if we do, we begin to deteriorate. We begin to break down at the molecular level. With our Harmonic points so low; We are unable to communicate with the realms of Time and Consciousness- therefore lose our ability to Create, to Control our lives- we become a beacon for Negative waves- and we begin the process of ceasing to exist. To the Human Mind, this sounds like a horrible position to be in, and it is, to our perception. At the Universal level however, it is just the Laws of Nature doing what it always does, as it should be doing. But there is a light at the end of the tunnel (literally), and that is, that with proper meditation techniques, proper deprogramming and rebuilding of personal beliefs, in time, you can change your resonance from a negative to positive state, and work your way to building what matters most: your connection with your higher self, the portion of your Aura that is connected directly to Light.

Many people have the imagery that the 4th dimension is ‘up there’, somewhere above the sky. However, the dimension is within and around us, flowing through us, all 11 dimensions are. The trick is, how to ‘tap’ into them, and become One with them.

Imagine your 7 Harmonic points as arms of Light extending out of you, with hands at the ends, and these hands are moving frantically as if trying to catch grip of something. When you live in a state of fear and negativity, imagine these hands hanging limp, no energy, little movement, unable to “grasp” the 4th Dimension. Now, imagine you live in a state of Love. Imagine these same arms glowing with the Light in their respective colors, fully vibrant, healthy, and full of strength. They can then ‘tap’ into a ‘Worm Hole’ that will reveal ‘handles’ that these hands can latch on to, and therefore transmit the energy of the 4th dimension and ‘absorb it into your body. Making you and the 4th Dimension One. Sounds farfetched doesnt it? Almost like a sci-fi film. The hands were just to help with the imagery. What really occurs is, like Oil and Water, 2 frequencies that are too far away in intensity from eachother cannot interact, the higher frequency can influence the lower frequency, even consume it if the conditions are right, but not vice versa. Which, yes, this means Love will always defeat Fear despite media propaganda.

When the harmonic points are trained to a level high enough (google : Centering your Chakras), you begin to see the World with a much different perspective. Almost involuntarily, you begin to see abundance and kindness all around you. You begin to see people in a much different light, a positive one. Once this occurs, and you have stabilized your Chakras, you can begin your journey to the 4th Dimension.

 Reaching the 4th Dimension.  

By now I assume you stopped reading and focused on centering yourself first. If not, lets continue anyway, but daily meditation techniques, physical exercise (yes, the body must be strong enough to handle the high amounts of Energy) and a diet that consists of mostly fruits and vegetables, should be followed with strict discipline for a minimum of 2 weeks before these techniques are attempted, as well as a complete Positive mindset training, (basically force yourself to see the Positiveof every situation even if you think you sound absurd to yourself, this is very important to recalibrating your mindset as well as your overall level of resonance) Otherwise, you will see and feel nothing, and discourage yourself before you’ve even started.

Here it is: The first step, is to find some time alone, somewhere without distractions, have an empty stomach. Drink Lots of pure Water (Fiji is a favorite), and use the restroom prior to beginning. By now you should know every color of every individual Harmonic point in your body, as well as the location of every one.

All Chakras (locations mean it is hovering within the body)

Root Chakra- Red – Tailbone/base of Spine

Sacral Chakra- Orange– Near Sexual organs

Solar Plexus- Yellow – 2 fingers above belly button

Heart Chakra- Green– Center of Sternum

Throat Chakra- Solid Blue– Within Vocal chords

Third Eye- Indigo/ Light blue– center of forehead

Crown – White with bluish tint– center of the Top of the head.

Imagine every single point giving off waves similar to radio signals, but each in their respective colors. This is what is happening every second of every day. What dictates your connection with all that ‘Is’, is how strong these waves are, what frequency they are emitting (Fear or Love) , and therefore, ultimately what you are attracting and manifesting.

The way I like to open my energy ports for connection is by imagining an Eye at every harmonic point. You always start from Bottom to Top.

I will start with my Root Chakra, and since this is the foundation for everything else, you must connect yourself with Earth, for a full charge. You do this by simply “breathing” into your Root, imagine a closed eye, and with every breathe, the eye opens bit by bit. Don’t go to the next one until you imagine the eye fully opened, as if, surprised. Once the Root is fully opened, imagine the Red Light spilling down to your legs, your knees, feet, and connecting into the ground. The Earth is all Red Chakra.

Now that you are connected, you have an unlimited supply of energy to charge the other 6 Chakras without temporarily draining yourself out at the end. Do the “Slow Opening Eye” meditation for the next 4 chakras. Stop once you finish the Throat.

Note:  (For your daily meditations, simply imagine an orb of light, of the color of the chakra youre working on, getting bigger and brighter, wherever it is located in the body. Don’t use the “SOE” technique shown here for daily’s. DO NOT OPEN THE CROWN FOR DAILY MEDITATIONS)

If you’ve followed my instructions correctly, by now you should feel a slight inner body buzz, this is your frequency reaching the higher levels. I must warn you. Once you open your Third eye, you are going to feel a surge of energy and visuals. What kind of Visuals? Well, your eyes are going to be closed at all times so do this little test right now. Close your eyes and push your fingers into your eye lids, see those bursts of light? Okay, that weird area behind your eye lids, is going to be where you will “see” all the kaleidoscope of colors and swirls.

Tilt your eyes upward as if you’re looking towards the center of your eyebrows (don’t strain yourself/ Eyes closed). Here we go, imagine a soft blue light in the middle of your forehead. A closed Eye, sleeping, waiting to be opened. Breathe in, Exhale. With every exhale, instead of imagining the eye opening little by little, Imagine this Eye getting brighter and brighter with each breathe. Keep breathing until it is a bright indigo light. Once you believe it has reached its peak, give one deeper inhale, and as you exhale, open the eye all at once, in synchronicity with your exhale.

Just lay back and enjoy that for a second.

Try not to get too excited as you will lose focus and the feeling will fade away and you’ll have to find yourself again. Stay perfectly still. Maintain a proper breathing technique throughout, and focus on nothing but those swirls behind your eyelids, and your Green heart, and Indigo Third eye chakras, simultaneously.

Now, its time to Travel. All while holding your position mentioned above. Open your Crown Chakra. Imagine a White eye, and “breathe it open” as you did your previous Chakras, slowly, little by little.

The Third eye is the only Chakra that is to be opened in the method instructed above.

Once the Crown is open: Direct your attention to the Third eye and Heart. Now, visualize your third Eye beaming a soft blue light above your forehead and into the Universe. Imagine the same for your Heart chakra. A strong Green light beam protruding from your Chest, to the Universe. Now, begin to “tilt” the third eye light so that it meets the green light and they fuse together into what looks like a Solid Green pillar with a light Blue Aura. The Heart Chakra is your Vessel, and the Third eye protects it from any negative beings that feed off energy. Visualize it to be indestructible, because it is. Imagine that you are at the end of your Green Pillar, Visualize Saturn, the Sun, The Moon, Visualize Earth from outer space, visualize the people you Love. Visualize anything. Connect with higher beings of Energy that vibrate at Love. Let their presence soothe you. Just say “ I invite all beings of Love and Light” and just “feel” them.

Be there for as long as you want.

When you are finished. Simply imagine your Light pillar fading away. Imagine the Crown Chakra Eye closing and dimming.

Then imagine your Third eye closing and dimming.

Imagine your Root chakra energy disconnecting with the Earth and fading back into its center.

Open your eyes.

Repeat as many times as you like!

2012, Agenda 21, Alternate Universe, Government, Health, Love, Peace, Personal Growth, Philosophy, Poetry, Reality, Uncategorized

Emotions: Humanities’ path to Extinction?

Human beings seem to be naturally fascist creatures. It is only by those few enlightened individuals that have surpassed the perceptive crutch of emotion that can see above the water, out to the surface, and point us to the nearest island for safety and continuity, that have come together to create a logical system that will launch humanity into prosperity and potential world peace.
The rest of us however, the majority of us, are burdened with unconsciously utilizing emotion where rationality is asked of the situation. We will go against our own doctrine, our own belief systems, if our emotional state is threatened, interrupted or insulted. The emotional state of a human being ranges in a full spectrum, however there are only a number of things that make up our emotional state, or should I say, what influences our emotional state: Perception, Ego, and Emotion itself, caused by the enhancement or interference of any of these 3 “pre-set” categories is what influences what we experience on a day to day, moment to moment basis.
If we were to live in a society that places Emotional mastery as a top priority in our schools, we would have seen Scientific and medical advancements we can’t even fathom to date, possible religious peace through absolute tolerance, a nonexistent homicide rate, and a stable World economy (Monetary/ resourceful), all in an estimated 3-4 generations after we had begun to teach these courses to our teenage children.
Humans are creatures of Emotion, therefore if our Emotions are unstable; by default we are unstable, seeing as we are what we feel, because how we feel influences what we do, and what we do, determines who we are. It’s a domino effect that starts from within.
Take a look at our World today. Look around. It has a range of fluctuations in terms of stability or instability and ranges from completely stable, to completely unstable. For the areas of the world that are considered to be unstable, let’s look at what’s’ really going on; These areas usually have an unstable economy, no jobs to circulate the little money the economy has, therefore there is a shortage of resources, which in turn cause desperation and greed, which therefore causes violence, hatred, and apathy. The emotions are unstable. We can argue that the emotional state of the people have been artificially altered into instability, that no matter what your beliefs are or how you perceive the world, scarcity makes one desperate and therefore frantic and ,well, unstable, one could argue this and it would be a valid argument. However, if we look deeper, we can see that the culprit truly is the emotional dependency we have on our own emotions. If the people of that country were to have the mental strength to put their emotions aside, there would be no panic, no riots, no violence, there would be rational beings, setting aside their differences for the continuity of the people in the affected area, working towards a solution. We would band together and not fall victim to our personally programmed perception of the situation. Since we all act out on our own perception of the situation, in any given situation, we act differently and never in unity, because no 2 perceptions are ever the same. This is the opposite of unity, and as a species, the opposite of advancement, therefore, paving the way to our self-inflicted demise.
There is also the other side of the spectrum that’s’ just as bad, if not worse. Emotional mastery does not mean to ignore your emotions and view the world through left-brained lenses, because this is what causes people to be okay with profiting off of the unstable economies of other countries which in turn create the first group burdened with emotional upheaval. This is the portion of the species that are considered to be emotionless. People that are fully analytical and see nothing but calculations, with no regard for the well being and continuity of their species as a whole. This goes without saying, could be the worst side of the spectrum. Emotional instability has 2 ranges as we have discussed; 1) Too much emotion/ Emotional overload that fogs the situation for what it is and inhibits our ability to rationalize on a solution. However, the emotional franticness is usually caused by the underlying fear that the ones we Love will be without, or in danger, as well as ourselves, that makes the emotion go on overload. Desperation is the tipping point. Nonetheless, this side of the spectrum is caused by the fear for others in mind. 2) Emotional detachment/ Lack of empathy or valid human connection is the second side of the spectrum. These are the people that think only for the self, without anyone else in mind. These people seem to always hold positions of power, but it is not the position that has detached them from the whole, but the fact that they have (by their perception or programming) no emotion, that has led them to those positions because they will do what it takes to get what they want, even if it means hurting many people in the process. In the United States we live in a nation that favors these people, appoints these people as major CEO’s and Executives because they will do what it takes to meet the quarterly/ annual profit quotas. Just because someone’s rich, doesn’t mean that they are “doing it right”, one must take consideration the type of Society we live in before they say that just because someone is in a favorable position, it automatically means that their way is the way. This is why people say we live in a sick Society, Emotionally Sick. The key is moderation. Everything in moderation. Emotional Mastery means to use Rationality and Emotion with a 50/50 ratio. To control the left brain when it makes the heart numb, and to rationalize the situation when emotions fog the reality.
I hope I live to see the day that the common people urge Emotional Mastery to be placed in our schools curriculum. Jealousy, Greed, and selfishness are by-products of Emotional neglect or overload. The reason it won’t be added to schools, unless there is a revolution, is because the individuals void of emotion, calculate how to overload the emotion of those with emotion, for profit. Sports, Pop culture, News and Media, food, vehicles, sex and drugs are all here to give you an emotional overload, for what you ask? Besides profit, possibly ignorant enslavement through emotion. As long as you are distracted you do not interfere with their ‘calculations’, and since they have no emotion, they will never be satisfied, so they want more and more, never filling the void, because fulfillment is an emotion, an emotion they’ll never feel, so it seems like they take and take without giving anything back. Does this not sound like our current World system? As long as the common folk have their World cups, and over stimulating food and drink on a daily basis that temporarily fill our emotional voids for the time being they will be okay. The “overly-emotionized” majority potion of our species is satisfied quickly but for a short time, so they need small constant overloads, therefore they indulge in small but frequent vices and stimulants on a daily basis, running Life’s’ trail on a treadmill, always moving, always out of breathe, but never making any real progress. Whereas the emotionally cold are never satisfied, the powerful emotionless will do as they please because so long as they give us our petty indulgences we stay out of their way. The emotionally cold are running lifes path, surpassing those on the treadmills, they are on lifes’ trail, but they are never satisfied, so when they hit lifes finish line (not death, but fulfillment) it wont be good enough, therefore they run the race over and over, laughing at the individuals on treadmills, the treadmill people wishing they were the runners, unknowing that neither are getting anywhere. We’re all looking for something, but how we look for it determines the person we are, the life we live.
The day I see Humanity include Emotional Mastery classes in our High schools, is the day that I will finally say I have true hope for the future of the Human race. Until then, we will be slaves to our own emotions, therefore slaves to instability, and in turn, residents of an unstable World.

Agenda 21, Alternate Universe, Arcturians, Ascension, Extraterrestrials, Government, Love, Peace, Personal Growth, Philosophy, Poetry, Reality, Uncategorized

“Your Life doesn’t consist of them and there.. we are all connected yes, connected to one another through everything. We push for individualism but to be individual is to be unique, to be unique is to be different, to be different is to be segregated from the whole. Every organism that has triumphed the tests of Evolution has done so with the entire Organism operating as One. Yet Humanity, strives to be Unique, to be different from one another, even though we understand that to be different is to be Alone. What do we call a species that has only one of its kind left? Endangered to be Extinct. Why does Humanity, through Personality, strive to single himself out as somehow better or different from the rest? Why does Man strive to become Extinct? There is nothing wrong with Self-Expression, as a matter of fact it is encouraged. However, when that Self-Expression evolves into Ego and shuns those that are different from us, that express themselves differently from us, that is when the Self-Extinction begins.. yes ‘Self Extinction’, because we are all One.Whether you like it or believe it or not makes no difference to what is an Absolute Truth. Absolute Truth does not change with majority or lack of belief. . Together we Stand, Divided we Fall.. or Divided we Stand… Together we Fall… its really up to you.. however, this takes me back to finish what I’ve started… Your Reality. Is what is directly in front of You. In your Face. Dont worry about what is going on in the Media or around the World. Your Reality consists of what’s directly in front of you, your neighborhood, Friends, Family.. that is a reflection of Your Psyche.. let the World be.. focus on making YOUR surroundings a better, happier place… if we all did this individually, focus on making our immediate surroundings a better place, we’d all be working as a Single Oganism. This is the Key to World Peace. Focus on YOU, for the betterment of ALL.”
-Firmitas A.F.

Your Life doesn’t..

2012, Agenda 21, Alternate Universe, Arcturians, Ascension, Draconian, Extraterrestrials, Government, Greys, Illuminati, Love, Peace, Personal Growth, Phoenix, Poetry, Reality, Uncategorized

Return of The Phoenix

Much has happened, and not much has happened since the 25th of November 2012 to today March 25th 2013. Nonetheless…

I’m glad to be back and in your service.

I’ve learned alot the past 5 months, a whole lot. i’ve strayed away from myself. i got caught in the web of “everything”, the everything that feels like nothing at the end of the day.

Everyday is starting to feel the same and i dont know if that is a good thing. Thoughts are becoming Negative for me, i’m not so in-tuned with my surrounding.

I no longer AM.

It’s funny how one sets out to do some kind of good for Humanity in his/ her small way, then all of a sudden it seems like you automatically become attractive to negativity.

The funny thing is, nothing Negative has actually happened to me, but my Mind, my Thoughts, my Perception, i find myself being much more Negative than i have been in a long time. This World will suck you in if you let it.

Don’t deviate from your Spiritual Path, whatever Faith or Belief you choose to follow, it is important to Love, and important to be compassionate.

The moment your Mind, Feelings and thoughts, go from ‘how to make My Environment and the strangers in it a better happier place’, to ‘i know the World has issues but i have my own to solve first’… is when it all comes crashing down on you…

 and you become what you constantly push yourself NOT to be, you become the very thing that has motivated you and inspired you to be a Person of Love and of Higher Resonance, you become… Everyone else … and therefore, Just somebody else.

 You fall into the Trap again, the Trap of “Service to Self”. Next thing you know your Days are wizzing by, you feel there is not enough time in the day to get things done, nothing ever gets done, you curse more than usual, you see everyone as an obstacle to your next destination instead of Human beings, you stress easily, you toss and turn at night unable to get a good nights rest, enough is never enough, you give less, and you happen to need more, your body aches, you slouch more, you breathe heavier, and you’re always fatigued, and it seems as if all this restlessness came from the Blue, as if it came from one day to the next…

 I’m nervous about what my near future is to bring, when the “lag time” of the manifestation of my thoughts are created in a physical form, its going to happen, i have about a good 3 Months of being in a very lowered state of Frequency, very negative thought patterns. yes, you pay the price for your thoughts, well, the Consistent ones, the “Automatic” ones, keep an eye out for them and force yourself to respond with 2 positive thoughts about the situation you just internally negatively reacted to, its a good start.

I’m going to change this here and now. So that when these Loving, Compassionate, Understanding thoughts manifest themselves my Life will be restored to the beautiful thing it once was just a few Months ago.

Despite what you hear, Despite what you read about, look around, your life isn’t that bad, Smile. Be Grateful. The World is actually a Beautiful place. People are generally willing to help, even though we may not speak to eachother on the street, when we are in trouble, strangers are the first to help, remember this. Change your thought patterns and watch your Life slowly evolve to reflect these patterns.

If you need advice, i’m here to help.

(Excuse the Type-o’s)

2012, Agenda 21, Alternate Universe, Arcturians, Ascension, Draconian, Extraterrestrials, Government, Greys, Illuminati, Love, Peace, Personal Growth, Phoenix, Poetry, Reality, Technology, Uncategorized

Fool on the Hill

“Unpleasant is the sound of joy to the ears of the wicked
I remember when my day’s were full of joy and love..
.. until I joined this world of the wicked.
Obliged to a society that runs off a fuel no man can absorb
  I feel the tension rise but even my emotions have to conform
to the law of the land,
which states that every Man has the right to speak but silenced when the Man utters the wrong word
A right to vote no power to choose
A  right to bare arms yet our Holsters are empty
    and empty they will remain
the day we bare them,
                 the day they lose
Lost in the Wilderness of the Moment hoping for the Trail of Tomorrow
I sit and watch the wicked Bask in the light of Perpetual sorrow and see the Good Hearted in the Darkness of the Just
Many years awaits the Man that gives in to Greed and Lust
and a simple life of stress awaits the Man that can do no wrong
As I smile and watch the world go round and round
I see the pupils of the masses but the world has its eyes wide shut
if the world’s a stage I’m waiting for God to call out a ‘cut’
if the World is my oyster I’m searching for a Pearl
but since the People are Lost I simply search for the World”
   – Firmitas Atis Phoenix

2012, Alternate Universe, Arcturians, Ascension, Extraterrestrials, Government, Love, Peace, Personal Growth, Phoenix, Reality, Uncategorized


Be still, for my heart speaks in tongues of Gold and Soul through me.
We touch the night sky with the pain and embrace that which is wrong and destroy all the love loved in vain
And through our veins pumps the Blood of War..
… and our Tears drip with the Fountain of Youth..
.. Blinded by the illusions of forever and before
we give life to soothing lies and run from rigid Truth
The philosopher is a wicked man, and the banker is in favor
Water is Life and Food is Fuel but somehow money became the Savior
  In this world you can always be too Smart, but never too Submissive
In this world you can be too honest but never too impressive
I’ve seen Lies desguised as Truth and Truth disguised as Bullets
I see millions dying by disease, but only a handful pursuing to cure it
I hear laughter all around me because the pain is cried inside
I see Criminals walking free..
I see the Innocent trying to hide
I see the Governments lying to the people’s faces..
.. and I see people still believing,
despite the deceit, the masses embrace it
I feel the shift in the Atoms when a Time has run its course
I hear the sound of desperation seeping through your pores
I try to tell the people that Love is the missing link
I try to tell the world: “At this rate were going to go extinct”

  – F.A. Phoenix

2012, Alternate Universe, Arcturians, Ascension, Extraterrestrials, Greys, Love, Peace, Personal Growth, Phoenix, Reality, Uncategorized

Connecting with the Arcturians.

In this post, I will teach you how to connect yourself with the Arcturian Heart Council. Its a semi- advanced meditation, but anyone can do it if you follow these instructions well, afterwards you can change up the meditation and make it “your way”, but here are the guidelines:
   Things you will need:
Drink lots of water and fruits/veggies the day you intend to do the meditation
-You will need an area of comfort, darkness, with no distractions for a good hour (i usually do this meditation when everyone is asleep and the day has come to an end)
Last but certainly not least, your imagination. visuals will create the reality.
The Meditation:
Lay down.
Start off by relaxing your entire body by flexing and releasing every seperate muscle from bottom to top (flex the feet, hold your breathe while you flex, let it go, exhale, flex your calves, your thighs, then abs etc.)
When your whole body is relaxed enjoy it for a second while focusing on your breathe.
Imagine ( with eyes closed the entire time) that you are surrounded by white light, the walls are made of this white light, the bed, the furniture, glowing a foggy vibrant white, and with every breathe, you breathe in more of this good energy, and your body, synchronized with every breathe, gets filled with this light until your body is entirely made up of white energy.
   Enjoy this.
Next. Open your root chakra by thinking “I am grateful for the opening of my First chakra” and imagine a golf ball sized RED orb gettinv bigger and brighter with every breathe.
Think : “Mother Earth, please ground me for this Spiritual experience”
Visualize and “feel” that your legs become roots, and they grow and dig deep into the Earths crust.
“Thank you for connecting with me, I Love you”
  Enjoy this for a sec.
Next, imagine an Orange orb above the Root chakra, a yellow one above that one near the Navel. A GREEN one in the chest area, this is your HEART Chakra.
For this Green one. Instead of just imagining an orb, that “glows on”…
  Imagine that there IS a closed green rose in the center of your chest.
With every inhale, this Rose opens little by little (but does not close with exhales)
And when this beatiful green rose reaches full blossom and is as wide as your entire chest, it starts to glow green, brighter, brighter, until the image of the Rose goes away and all that is left us a powerful green orb of light.
Enjoy this
Tilt your eyeballs towards your eyebrows, as if “looking up”, leave them there, you will feel your third eye opening.
Enjoy this.
The reason why this meditation is advanced is because you cant forget that your legs are roots, that everything around and within is still bright white light, you must visualize this as if it is actually happening because it is happening, just on an ethereal plane the more powerful your visuals, the more you “tap” into this World of impossibilty. Dont just visualize it. Feel it, all over your body and surroundings.
Focus on your Heart chakra, eyes still rolled back comfortably, still rooted, surrounded by white light, a percentage of your awareness ALWAYS on your breathe, be conscious of your inhales and exhales.
Here we go.
This next part requires great visualization and concentration.
Are you ready for the ride?
Focusing on the Heart chakra, eyes rolled back.
Think: ” I know connect myself with Beings of Love and Light”
In that very instant a powerful green beam shoots out of your Heart chakra, past your roof, past the atmosphere, past the planet, past the Solar system, with such velocity and force you feel your body vibrating internaly as if you just took off on a rollercoaster. With such Velocity it cannot be detained by any Negative being or force, anything negative disintegrates in this beams radius of existence.
And as you are traveling with your entire being (because this beam is you) at the speed of light ..
Think: ” I now connect myself with the Arcturian Heart council, in the 5th and 7th dimensions, I come to you in a state of pure Love ..  “
Imagine your Beam going on “auto pilot”, and when you find a Blue planet in the Bootes system (google image ‘Arcturius’ for a better visual) .. Imagine yourself entering, then you “flash” into this blue room, you are laying down in the center, bring your attention back to your room, but this time, with about 5 Arcturians sitting around your body, waiting for you to speak…
Enjoy their presence, feel their Love radiating and vibrating your entire being
You are at 2 places at once, your room, and Arcturius.
Have fun.
Play with them, ask for a hug, and imagine a little 5 foot being stand and hug you laying down
Feel it.
Ask whatever it is you need, they dont answet then and there, but through dreams, images, events, abd even a thought AFTER the meditation.
By now your body should be tensed, your back slightly arching, your eyes still rolled back, dont force these, they will happen, DO NOT focus on your physical self or you will lose concentration!
When you are finished, thank them and express your gratitude telepathicaly. Then, imagine that you “see” the green beam from your chest fade back inside, your roots shrivel up and become legs again, your eyes can go back to normal position.
Now focus on your breathe … In … Out … In … Out … Remanis on the experience, focus on your inhales and exhales.
Open your eyes slowly when you are ready….

2012, Agenda 21, Alternate Universe, Arcturians, Ascension, Draconian, Extraterrestrials, Government, Greys, Illuminati, Love, Peace, Personal Growth, Phoenix, Reality, Technology, Uncategorized


… Is extremely vital these last 90 Days.
  Push yourself, Force Yourself to be optimistic. Negative frequencies and chemtrails have been amplified.
Dont let the stress of this society alter your mood, dont let the lack of resources, bad drivers, or work/ family disputes make you start thinking negatively, limit your use curse words. If someone pisses you off just take a deep breathe and FORCE yourself to say “you piece of! … (inhale, exhale, relax) .. It already happend, getting all worked is my choice, I can stay happy, and the situation will be the same, no changing it now, might as well stay positive so that my mind stays open of surrounding opportunities” …
Of course I dont expect you to commit this speech to memory and recite it to yourself, but its an example of the altered mindset to have from now on, for the rest of your life.
You dont think your thoughts manifest physicaly?
  Expect aches and pains the first 3 days you think optimistic, loving thoughts .. Physical aches and pains.
Think loving and positive even when you come across situations where it is “Socially acceptable” to be very pissed off. Yes, if you stub your toe in the morning, lash out in pain of course, but when you feel the anger build up, and the angry thoughts surging, laugh at yourself, make a joke out of it..
” jeez that hurt! Hahaha, thats ONE way to wake up in the morning, one less cup if coffee to drink now (lol)”
It is vital that you do this.
I invite you to the challenge.
Do this for 2 main reasons:
1) To adjust your mindset into a more positive one, therefore slowly manifesting more convenient events, rather than inconvenient events, although sometimes, an inconvenient event comes about to bring in a convenient one ,such as your car breaking down so that someone you need in your life pulls over and helps you. With a negative mindset though, these “beautiful inconveniences” are fogged as just a completely stressful experience through anger, and that anger, could result at you snapping at that person who pulled over to help you, them driving away, and your entire timeline altered (think back on how many moments couldve went great if you were to just switch your mindset and attitude).
  2) Self-awareness .
With this challenge, you will realize how Negative or Positive you truly are. If you find yourself saying “No! Ahh! Dont think like that! C’mon something positive, c’mon brain!” .. You are, more Negative than positive, but it is a beautiful thing because now you are aware of it. After a week or so it will be alot easier, after 2 weeks it will feel normal, after about a Month it will just be you.
After about 2 months you will see good things “popping up” all over the place, “bad” things that happen will now only happen to teach you something helpful for future reference, or to bring in a better thing, not just to manifest the negativity from your mind “for the hell of it”, to serve no purpose, but for your over all well being.
Expect turmoil and tests these first 2 weeks. Once the Soul catches on to what you’re doing it will put tests in front of you to make sure the transition is genuine and long lasting.
So stay positive.
Help the Earth and Humanity vibrate at a higher level.
A Smile to a stranger can do alot of good.
Positivity is contagious.
Compassion is Powerful.
Ascension is around the corner.

2012, Agenda 21, Alternate Universe, Arcturians, Ascension, Draconian, Extraterrestrials, Government, Greys, Illuminati, Love, Peace, Personal Growth, Phoenix, Reality, Technology, Uncategorized

The Mind of a Phoenix

We operate with Points of Views.
Now, why do Points of Views exist?
Because there are many of them.
If there was only one point of view, then it would no longer be a point of view , or, an “angled perspective”, there would only exist a Fundemental Truth.
Which is what we all seek.
One Truth. One Love. One God.
Has anybody ever stopped to consider that maybe the very thing that deteriorates a Fundemental Truth, is a fundemental truth in itself?
If a Point of View, is a point or stand in perspective, and a perspective, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder, then no point of view is in its own sake valid, so then what is real?
And if perspectives are not real outside of a biased, self- affirming adopted belief and thought. Then what is valid?
What is real?
We go through life associating ourselves with those who think and act like ourselves, to reassure ourselves that we are not insane, because deep down inside you know that your identity is also based on points of perspective that are not valid and as real as your points of views.
Find another like yourself and the insanity goes away.
Or could it be that we fully believe that what we know of ourselves is completely real, very true and grounded?
I once stumbled upon a description of what is Real, and it made much sense to me.
There are 2 things that govern ‘reality’, the Universal, and the Capital. Lets take a book case for example: the book case is the Universal, the books are Capital, the Universal is true because it cannot be changed, the Capital however, can be changed, so is it real? Is it true? You walk to the book case, and take out a book, you see that there are many topics horror, love, fiction, non-fiction, adventure etc. the Capital, is what changes, but no matter how many books you take out or replace, whether you switch up the genres etc. the book case remains a book case, it does not change because of its contents or lack of, it sole purpose is a book case, This Universal reality, versus Capital reality”
Is that just it? Can reality really be distinguished and categorized as real by mere consistency?
Is Consistency what makes or breaks reality?
So if a Point of View is Consistent throught your Life, is it Real in the Universal scheme of things?
In our arguement here, “Points of Views” would be the Universal, and what those views are about would be the Capital.
But if Points of Views are considered “Points of views” because of their “Capital”, then can they be considered a Universal Truth if they are Universal because of their Capital?
Can a Book shelf be a Book shelf if Books never existed?
It would no longer serve a purpose.
So can reality be the Purpose? If an object or thought, serves a Universal Purpose, is it True? Real?
No, because a Purpose can vary.
Intention can really distort a purpose. So is it Real?
Then why fuss about Religion? Why fuss about Politics? Why take in world beliefs and systems that have proven to us have failed time and time again, all because the majority, or the few in Power, decided to believe in something that can never be Real, as a Universal Truth that must be made into the supreme Law of the Land.
This unreality, adopted by others as tolerable, was accepted, or forced as Real, and the conditioning of Man began.
Ever notice that any form of Evil can thrive so long as it does not interfere with your “Reality”?
So whats real must be whats in front of you?
Yes. That is real, because it is happening.
What I consider to be real is what lets Life florish.
Life happens when there is no blockage of energy. Energy flows where need be, whereas destruction, is the blockage or transitioning of Energy. (Capital), nonetheless it remains energy. (Universal)
Are your points of view real then?
I would say yes, because they come from a Universal starting point.
No matter what you think, what you feel, or how you operate, you are still Human.
So is this the Truth? I would say so.
With this mind set it wouldnt make sense to wage War, to Hate, or to exterminate on account of something that is not real, because in the end we are all Human.
Humanity is Real.
Points of Views, not so much.
as we mentioned, some Universals are only in existence because the Capital exists.
Are you Human without your Points if Views?
Yes you are.
Being Human is Universal.
Points of Views are Capital, as I explained with Capital Energy, it blocks or Transforms.
This blockage is the biggest evidence that we operate with Capitals, via Hatred, murders, and well, our current World system, it is because we are taking something unreal as “real”, and this is the result. Blockage.
What is the opposite of Hatred?
Love in the Universal fact that no matter what goes on in our Minds we are still Human.
The Truth us Humanity.
The Truth is Life.
The Truth is Love.

Need I say more?
